Episode 2 is the introductory episode, familiarising or reminding us about Ned Kelly & the notorious Kelly Gang. Ned and the Kelly Gang were bushrangers, operating mainly in North East of Victoria, in the 1870’s.
In this Episode we will consider the place the Kelly story holds in Ozzie history, and then present a brief outline of the whole story. With that outline fresh in our minds, Episode 3 will follow on, with a more detailed and indepth look at the Kellys, starting with Ned’s family background and his childhood years. (28 mins)
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References for Episode 2: Kelly story Overview 1878-1880
Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum. “Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum.” 2018, from http://home.vicnet.net.au/~benmus/ned-kelly/.
Bessant, B. and S. Mellor (1978). Australian history : the occupation of a continent. Blackburn, Vic., Eureka.
Chomley, C. H. (1900). The true story of the Kelly gang of bushrangers. [Melbourne, s.n.].
Kenneally, J. J. (1969). The complete inner history of the Kelly gang and their pursuers. Moe, Vic., The Kelly Gang Publishing Co.
Oxford Living Dictionary. “Oxford Living Dictionary – Definition.” 2018, from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/as_game_as_ned_kelly.
Police Museum Victoria. “Victoria Police Museum – Kelly Gang.” from http://www.policemuseum.vic.gov.au/collection/overview.
Robert O’Hara Burke Memorial Museum. “Robert O’Hara Burke Memorial Museum – “. 2018, from http://www.burkemuseum.com.au/Burke_Museum.
Sidney Nolan. “Sidney Nolan – Wikipedia.” 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Nolan.
State Library Victoria. “State Library Victoria – Ned kelly.” 2018, from https://www.slv.vic.gov.au/search-discover/explore-collections-theme/australian-history/ned-kelly.