After returning from Shackleton’s Nimrod Expedition and rejecting any idea of returning to Antarctica, the trauma of his polar trekking faded and Douglas Mawson began to consider all the exploration & discovery that still lay waiting there. He set about planning the “Australasian Antarctic Expedition”, to undertake an ambitious scientific & survey program for Australia & the Empire. This time though, the harsh elements would extract a greater cost for giving up it’s secrets.
(51 mins)
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Hall, L. (2011). Douglas Mawson: The life of an explorer. Sydney: New Holland Publishers.
Cape Denison Historic Site:
Mawson, D. (1988). The Home of the Blizzard: A true story of Antarctic survival Retrieved from
Jacka, F., & Jacka, E. (1988). Mawson’s Antarctic diaries. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
MidWinter madness: Australian Antarctic expeditioners plunge into icy pool. Australian Antarctic Division. (2018).
Walking the line: Blizz lines AusAntarctic Terret, J. (2019).
Regional Map Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14. Royal Geographical Society, L., 1914: Map courtesy Australian Antarctic Division (Cartographer).
Map of Antarctica showing Land vs Ice. Retrieved from
Cleland, J., & Southcott, R. (1969). Hypervitaminosis a in the Antarctic in the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911‐1914: A possible explanation of the illnesses of Mertz and Mawson. Medical Journal of Australia, 1(26), 1337-1392.
Ayres, P. (1999). Mawson: a life. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
FitzSimons, P. (2011). Mawson and the ice men of the heroic age : Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen. North Sydney, N.S.W.: William Heinemann.
Australian Dictionary of Biography. (1986). Mawson, Sir Douglas (1882-1958)
Robert Falcon Scott (Wikipedia).
Xavier Mertx (Wikipedia). (2019).