In Episode 6 – Greta Part 2, we continue our detailed exploration of Ned Kelly & the Kelly Gang.
The Kelly family, having selected a small holding near Greta in North Eastern Victoria, embed themselves in the local community, but petty crime brings them to the attention of the authorities and they become a ‘problem’ for the local squatters.
Ned is 14 years old and he will soon be defending some very serious charges….
(46 mins)
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References for Episode 6 – Greta Part 2: Young Kelly
(2018). Books and Arts, RN [Retrieved from
Public Records Office. PROV VPRS 937 Unit 413 15 May 1871. Retrieved from
Castieau, John. [2004] The difficulties of my position: the diaries of prison governor John Buckley Castieau 1855-1884 : National Library of Australia & Mark Finnane
Hare, F. A. (1892). The last of the bushrangers : an account of the capture of the Kelly gang. London: Hurst and Blackett.
Carroll, B. (1976). Ned Kelly, Bushranger. Dee Why West: Landsdowne Press.
Corfield, J. J. (2003). The Ned Kelly encyclopaedia. South Melbourne: Lothian.
Davies, K. M. a. (2017). A wife’s heart : the untold story of Bertha and Henry Lawson: St Lucia, Qld. : University of Queensland Press.
Jones, I. (1996). Ned Kelly : a short life. South Melbourne, Vic.: Lothian Books.
Molony, J. N. (2001). Ned Kelly. Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press.