40 – Snowy Hydro – Pt 3: Contractors & townships

The Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme began construction at Guthega, with a Norwegian contractor, and before too long, power was being delivered to the people.

Workers and families got used to the new environment and the working conditions as the construction projects multiplied across the project sites, while others had to get used to their relocated townships.

(60 mins)

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Drillers preparing Tumut Valley Dam 1956 (SnowyHydro)
Rock bolting Tumut 1 1956 (SnowyHydro)
KWPR World Tunnel Record Holder 1956 M Stermole (MuseumVic)
Moving the Bank Adaminaby 1957 (SnowyHydro)
Recording river flows (SnowyHydro)
Surge tank camp under snow 1953 (NAA 7269908)
Tumut 3 Pressure Pipeline section 1970 (Pipeliner jnl)
Murray 1 Power Station & Visitor Centre (SnowyHydro)
Guthega Power Station opening (SnowyHydro)
Theiss tunneling tally (NAA)

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McHugh, S. (2019). The Snowy : a history (Anniversary edition. ed.): Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Gray, C. M. (1956). THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS SCHEME. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 104(4988), 887-910. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/41365921

Magee, O. (2006). Building and selling the Snowy. Quadrant, May, 24-26.

International Hydropower Association. Norway. Retrieved from https://www.hydropower.org/country-profiles/norway

New era for historical scheme. (2019, April). International Water Power & Dam Construction, 32. Retrieved from https://www.waterpowermagazine.com/

Philipson, G. (2017). ACS InformationAge: ACS Heritage Project. Retrieved from https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2017/acs-heritage-project–chapter-9.html

(2020, March 2020). The story of the Snowy [Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/siobhan-mchugh-snowy-scheme-rpt/12047818

Pipeline History: The Snowy mountains hydro-electric Scheme. (2012). The Australian Pipeliner, 54-57. Retrieved from https://www.pipeliner.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/02/TAP_Apr_12_web.pdf

Geoscience Australia. Largest Waterbodies. Retrieved from https://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/national-location-information/landforms/largest-waterbodies

Robinson, F., National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, & La Trobe University. Department of History. (2000). A study of Occupational Health and Safety practice in the construction of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. Camperdown, N.S.W.  https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/35296669

Talbingo: Historic village now a modern town. (2004). The Age. Retrieved from https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/talbingo-20040208-gdkq83.html